________________________________________________ Author: Michael Connelly Genre: Court Room Drama, thriller, adventure, action Original Title: The Lincoln Lawyer Series: Micky Haller Setting: United States ________________________________________________ Introducing Michael Connelly... Michael Connelly (born July 21, 1956, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American author of detective novels and other crime fiction, notably those featuring LAPD Detective Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch. ------------- Now, have you read John Grisham? I am sure, most of you did. Next question, have you read Jeffrey Archer? I will get more Ayes for this question than the previous. Now the killer.. How many of you want to read a book which is a mix of the talents of both these great authors? I won’t guess the answer this time. I’d simply suggest you read Michael Connelly Books. This book, the Lincoln lawyer is a story of Criminal Defense Attorney Micky Haller who operates out of the back se...