I recently received this E-mail from a group claiming to be google security team and that they are mailing all accounts to confirm if they IDs are active and if you do not reply to the mail your account will be shut down. And when you reply back to initial mail, an automated mail delivery services delivers you another mail asking you to compulsorily share your account details including your PASSWORD. Now now why would google do that. I did my bit of research and found that there have been mails from other Ids as well . First they started with gmailteam_cs@inbox.lv, and to make it look more genuine the same mails are now sent by gteamsecurity01@gmail.com and few others. So my dear fellas BEWARE!! do not reply to any such mails. Hope Google realizes this at the earliest and takes an action. In any case, below is the entire text of the mail ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: GTeam Security01 Date: Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 10:19 PM Subject: Gmail! ...