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Showing posts from December, 2006

Where are thou??

where are thou?? Long since the sun has gone home The moon is on the duty above the palace dome Long since mom has the dinner cooked and ready and from then on we are waiting dressed and steady. where are thou?? Long since the beacon and steak are roasted brown From then on the delicacies are smelling down Long since i think the dinner is gone stale Mummy,granny are worried and pale. where are thou?? where are thou daddy?? Bruno is hungry and barbie is sleepy Its now time for going to bed Coz scindy the devil is bouncing his head where are thou?? where are thou daddy?? Daddy pls come home pls its very dark I am crying as i can hear scindy bark Bruno is silent and granny is asleep all i can hear is mom s weep daddy where are thou?? come home pls come home plz daddy, where are thou?? where are thou ?? where are thou??